CANivore New Features

CANivore New Features

Published by CTR Electronics Team on 11th May 2022

We've recently added a few new features to the CANivore that you might be interested in!

New CANivore USB Linux Driver

We just released a USB Linux driver that will allow CANivore connectivity to CTRE devices on modern Linux devices.

This is something customers have been asking us since announcing the product last year.  Now customers can utilize CTRE devices on several embedded Linux platforms.

This brings the total supported system list to the following (new devices in bold):

  • NI roboRIO
  • Windows (x86-64)
  • Linux Desktop (x86-64, Debian based)
  • Raspberry PI (ARM 32-bit and 64-bit)
  • NVIDIA Jetson Nano

The details can be found on our documentation page.

CANivore nanoFramework ESP32 Example

Inside every CANivore is an integrated ESP32 (details are in the Hardware Hardware User Manual).

Last month, we posted a GitHub example demonstrating basic use of the nanoFramework in the ESP32.  

This allows customers to develop and deploy C# applications to their CANivores.  

As this is an initial release the feature set is limited to:

  • Connecting to CANivore
  • Sending arbitrary CAN frames
  • Wi-Fi using nanoFramework library

As development continues, features will be steadily added.