Where can I find the CAN Protocol for CTR Devices?

CTR Electronics does not publish the full CAN specification for our products.

This is due to incidents of IP theft from competing companies - as such the protocol is not available.


Phoenix 6 Devices

Supported Platforms

We provide Phoenix 6 libraries to utilize our products on the FRC roboRIO, supported Linux controllers, and Windows with CANivore.

See our Phoenix 6 requirements page for details on what platforms we support, what languages we support, and how to install the relevant software.


Phoenix 5 Devices

Supported Platforms

We provide Phoenix 5 libraries to utilize our products on the FRC roboRIO, our HERO Development Board, Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) Desktop, and several Supported Embedded Linux Platforms.

See our examples page for links to example projects for each platform.


Basic Motor Control via Manual CAN Frame

If sending CAN frames manually is absolutely critical for your application (whether an embedded final application or a test platform) we do provide one basic example for controlling the percent output (-100% to +100%) of a Phoenix 5 motor controller.
This example only provides basic percent output control - no other smart features of the controller (like closed-loop or reading current draw) are available.

You can see this example here.

The example covers filling the CAN frame and the global enable frame that must also be sent.

Keep in mind you will also still need one of our supported platforms to field-upgrade the CAN device and set the device ID.  You also need to ensure that the CAN device is not FRC-Locked.  Special non-FRC firmware is not required.



For any question please contact us at support@ctr-electronics.com