CTRE_Phoenix 5.20.2
com.ctre.phoenix.sensors.PigeonImuJNI Class Reference

Inherits com.ctre.phoenix.CTREJNIWrapper.

Static Public Member Functions

static native long JNI_new_PigeonImu_Talon (int talonID, String version)
static native long JNI_new_PigeonImu (int deviceNumber, String version, String canbus)
static native int JNI_destroy_PigeonImu (long handle)
static native int JNI_ConfigSetCustomParam (long handle, int newValue, int paramIndex, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_ConfigGetCustomParam (long handle, int paramIndex, int timoutMs)
static native int JNI_ConfigSetParameter (long handle, int param, double value, int subValue, int ordinal, int timeoutMs)
static native double JNI_ConfigGetParameter (long handle, int param, int ordinal, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_ConfigFactoryDefault (long handle, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetStatusFramePeriod (long handle, int statusFrame, int periodMs, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetYaw (long handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_AddYaw (long handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetYawToCompass (long handle, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetFusedHeading (long handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_AddFusedHeading (long handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetFusedHeadingToCompass (long handle, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetAccumZAngle (long handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetTemperatureCompensationDisable (long handle, int bTempCompDisable, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetCompassDeclination (long handle, double angleDegOffset, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetCompassAngle (long handle, double angleDeg, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_EnterCalibrationMode (long handle, int calMode, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_GetGeneralStatus (long handle, double[] params)
static native int JNI_Get6dQuaternion (long handle, double[] wxyz)
static native int JNI_GetYawPitchRoll (long handle, double[] ypr)
static native int JNI_GetYawPitchRoll2 (long handle, double[] ypr)
static native double JNI_GetYaw (long handle)
static native double JNI_GetPitch (long handle)
static native double JNI_GetRoll (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetGravityVector (long handle, double[] gravityVector)
static native int JNI_GetAccumGyro (long handle, double[] xyz_deg)
static native double JNI_GetAbsoluteCompassHeading (long handle)
static native double JNI_GetCompassHeading (long handle)
static native double JNI_GetCompassFieldStrength (long handle)
static native double JNI_GetTemp (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetUpTime (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetRawMagnetometer (long handle, short[] rm_xyz)
static native int JNI_GetBiasedMagnetometer (long handle, short[] bm_xyz)
static native int JNI_GetBiasedAccelerometer (long handle, short[] ba_xyz)
static native int JNI_GetRawGyro (long handle, double[] xyz_dps)
static native int JNI_GetAccelerometerAngles (long handle, double[] tiltAngles)
static native int JNI_GetFusedHeading (long handle, double[] params)
static native int JNI_GetState (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetResetCount (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetResetFlags (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetFirmwareVersion (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetLastError (long handle)
static native double JNI_GetLastTimestamp (long handle)
static native boolean JNI_HasResetOccurred (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetStatusFramePeriod (long handle, int frame, int timeoutMs)
static native int JNI_SetControlFramePeriod (long handle, int frame, int periodMs)
static native int JNI_GetFaults (long handle)
static native int JNI_GetStickyFaults (long handle)
static native int JNI_ClearStickyFaults (long handle, int timeoutMs)

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